
The Hort usually meets the last Monday of every month from September to May (except December). We are holding the meetings both in-person and through Zoom, unless there is a technical difficulty. If you are not a Hort member, but want to check out a meeting, either in person or online, you are most welcome to join us for a suggested donation of $5.  To get a link to our online meeting, send an email to to let us know you are interested. You'll be sent further instructions.

In-person meetings are held at the Bonar-Parkdale Presbyterian Church HALL, 250 Dunn Avenue, just south of Queen Street West. Doors open at 6:30pm. Meetings start informally around 7:00pm and the speaker begins the presentation at 7:30pm. Arrive after 6:30pm and enjoy tea and cookies while you check things out, chat, and ask questions!

Enter the church hall via the arched door the arrow is pointing to.

Upcoming meetings

    • 2025-03-24
    • 19:00 - 21:00
    • Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church


    We will be meeting in person at Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church, 250 Dunn Ave, just South of Queen Street West. Arrive after 6:30 PM for refreshments and socializing, the meeting starts at 7:30PM.

    We will also be holding the meeting online through Zoom. Members will be sent the link in the newsletter in the week leading up to the meeting.


    DR. ERIN NELSON is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at  the University of Guelph and Affiliate of the Guelph Institute of Development Studies.  She holds a PhD in Rural Studies, and her research explores the development of more  sustainable food systems in Canada and Latin America. In particular, she focuses on agroecology, analyzing how knowledge-exchange builds capacity for agroecological production, and how agroecological systems contribute to ecological resilience and  community wellbeing. As a community-engaged scholar, she works closely with a wide  range of partners, including civil society organizations and farmer networks in Ontario, Mexico, and Cuba.

    In this monthly talk, Dr. Nelson will share stories and insights from her work in Mexico, where farmers, researchers and community leaders are working together to scale up agroecology. At the centre of these efforts is the Huerta Madre (or Mother Farm) - a 16-hectare citrus farm that, in 2004, began a gradual transition away from agrochemical use. Today the Huerta Madre is a certified organic farm and knowledge hub that has helped train more than 3500 small-scale farmers in the principles and practices of agroecology and successfully advocated for sustainable food and farming policy. The group’s vision is to stop agrochemical use in northern Veracruz State, and gradually scale up agroecology, prioritizing network-based knowledge-sharing, community-based economies, social justice, health, and well-being.

    Most available resources about this work are in Spanish, however if you are keen to learn more about it and keep up your Spanish and Nahuatl - check out the videos below! 

    • 2025-04-28
    • 19:00 - 21:00
    • Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church


    We will be meeting in person at Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church, 250 Dunn Ave, just South of Queen Street West. Arrive after 6:30 PM for refreshments and socializing, the meeting starts at 7:30PM.

    We will also be holding the meeting online through Zoom. Members will be sent the link in the newsletter in the week leading up to the meeting.


    SHAUN BOOTH is owner of In Our Nature, a natural garden design firm and native plant nursery. As a co-author of the Globe & Mail bestselling book, The Gardener's Guide to Native Plants of the Southern Great Lakes Region, Shaun brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to design projects. He is the founder of the "Ontario Native Plant Gardening" Facebook group and provides free gardening resources on his website

    In Shaun's talk, we will discover how natural garden design empowers us to create stunning gardens that foster a deeper connection to local ecology—all while reducing maintenance. We will discuss how it differs from traditional horticulture, highlight its benefits for both nature and our gardens, and share practical steps to transform your yard with native plants.

    • 2025-05-26
    • 19:00 - 21:00
    • Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church

    It's the Merry May meeting! This means we'll have a bunch of speakers with short presentations and slideshows. Please check back here later to see info about our speakers and what they'll be talking about. If you are a member and have something you wish to talk about and show us - please contact us at and let us know about your ideas.


    We will be meeting in person at Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church, 250 Dunn Ave, just South of Queen Street West. Arrive after 6:30 PM for refreshments and socializing, the meeting starts at 7:30PM.

    We will also be holding the meeting online through Zoom. Members will be sent the link in the newsletter in the week leading up to the meeting.

Past meetings

2025-02-24 February Meeting: Sara Angelucci - Wonder In The Dark
2025-01-27 January Meeting: Robert Pavlis - Building Natural Ponds
2024-11-25 November Meeting & AGM: Steven Biggs - Food Gardens In The Urban Landscape
2024-10-28 October Meeting: Birgit Siber - Heritage Red Oak Stories from Kew Gardens
2024-09-30 September Meeting: Michael McTavish - Jumping Worms
2024-05-27 Merry May Meeting - STARTING AT 7:15PM - Around The World with Ron Charlemagne, Bill Cheng, Emieke Geldof, and Helen Vorster
2024-04-29 April Meeting: Clement Kent - Tapestry Lawns
2024-03-25 March Meeting: Gordon Fitch - Food As Medicine -- For Bees?
2024-02-26 February Meeting: Ginkgo Sustainability - On Green Roofs and Green Walls
2024-01-29 January Meeting: Guinevere Kern - To Make Whole: An Exploration of Health, Healing Gardens, and Horticultural Therapy
2023-11-27 November Meeting & AGM - Ellen Schwartzel - Adding Nature to Toronto's Urban Fabric
2023-10-30 October Meeting - Paul Gellatly - Tropical Treasures
2023-09-25 September Meeting - Dr. Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh - Do Plants Think?
2023-05-29 Merry May Meeting - Hort Garden Projects
2023-04-24 April Meeting - Melanie Sifton - Restoring Urban Soils, Parks, and Green Roofs
2023-03-27 March Meeting - Jane Hayes - How to impact “Earth Care'' in the City
2023-02-27 February Meeting - Dr. Jacques-Joseph Moreau - Growing Marijuana High
2023-01-30 January meeting - Dr. Gil Penalosa - Toronto for Everyone: Affordable • Equitable • Sustainable
2022-11-28 Short AGM followed by speaker Helen Battersby - Gardening in a Changing World
2022-10-24 October Meeting - Anna Leggatt - Gardening Today, During Climate Change, Reducing Our Garden Foodprint and Promoting Biodiversity
2022-09-27 September Meeting - Clement Kent - My Wall Garden
2022-05-30 Merry May Meeting - Member's Slide Show
2022-04-25 Lorraine Johnson - Gardens for Pollinating Insects: Friends not Foes

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